Welcome to our New Blog, A Tale of Two Flippers!
We would love to introduce ourselves and explain what our blog is about!
About us:
Our names are Judy & Tera, we are a mother and daughter who love crafts and making other people's "junk" into our treasures! We work together as a Real Estate team in the San Antonio, Texas area! (Go Spurs Go!) Another job/passion of ours is flipping houses together!
About Judy:

I am a mother, grandma, house flipper, realtor, furniture redoer, crafter, artist, ex-teacher, ex-coach, ex lots of things, and Wife. I spend half my time in San Antonio doing all of the above, and half the time in Amarillo being a wife and mother and grandma and landlord (ugh). My joy in life is my 5 grandsons, 1 granddaughter, 2 sons and lovely partner and daughter. I have been married to my hubby for 11 years, and we live in a 1960's house that's grown and grown to this enormous monster of 3300 sq ft plus 6 spaces of garage (which houses lots of furniture! go figure). My home even has a "bomb shelter" used mostly for neighborhood tornado hidey hole. As an ex-teacher I love to share my flips and projects with everyone and show them how to do it themselves - hence this new blog. I have several other blogs: momsdementia.com or WalkingMomThroughDementia.blogger.com which details the long struggle my Mom endured until her death in 2013. It tells her life story, research I found, and my daily visits with her. I have over 85,000 page views on that blog and even have had two doctors write and tell me that my research helped them. That validates to me the need for such a blog. My second one is WhatsUpWithRealEstate.blogger.com. I guess that's self explanatory. I hope you enjoy this new blog and feel free to let us know how we are doing.
About Tera:

Hey Ya'll! My name is Tera and I am Texas born and raised. I have been married for 13 years to my husband. We moved from Amarillo to San Antonio about 8 1/2 years ago. We love it here! We have 4 amazing boys, yes all boys....I know right?! My house is loud and can sometimes be confused as a gym or a playground but it is full of love and fun! I am new to the blog world but I am excited to share my love of real estate, crafts, refinishing furniture, and most importantly flipping houses! I decided to go in to real estate during the crash in 08-09 (smart
right?) but I decided if I could make it during the bad times then I
could make it through the good times! Before real estate, I worked many
different kinds of jobs: post office, college bookstore, freelance
writer for a newspaper, etc but I love real estate and I love writing so
a blog seemed like a good combination! I hope you enjoy our blog and that it can bring a smile to your face!
About our Blog:
Our blog is going to be about the houses we flip and the humorous and frustrating situations that we find ourselves in everyday! We also will have individual posts on side projects that we have been working on! We hope by sharing our experiences we can give you great information on real estate, how to and what not to do on house projects, and maybe give you some fun ideas for your own projects!
Some of our projects include desks, filing cabinets, coffee tables, side tables, bookshelves, and recently we are working on a coat tree.
Let's hear from you which of these projects might interest you the most, and we'll start with your choice to show step by step how we did it, what products were used, and mistakes we made.
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